Category | Amount | % |
Development | $5,269,019.78 | 82.0% |
Enterprise Sales | $737,950.87 | 11.5% |
Program Sales | $392,211.13 | 6.1% |
Other Types of Income | $26,384.20 | 0.4% |
Category | Amount | % |
Compensation Benefits | $2,905,851.05 | 45.1% |
Facility | $1,482,545.08 | 23.0% |
Professional Fees | $617,018.11 | 9.6% |
Enterprise Cost of Sales | $552,172.23 | 8.6% |
Program Cost of Sales | $385,546.33 | 6.0% |
Information Technology | $155,214.54 | 2.4% |
Communications & Advertising | $153,665.98 | 2.4% |
Miscellaneous Expenses | $101,752.67 | 1.6% |
Meeting & Travel | $55,509.19 | 0.9% |
Office Expenses | $30,882.83 | 0.5% |
Event Cost of Sales | $8,193.02 | 0.1% |